General Facts & Statistics


Bed bugs are small, blood-sucking insects that primarily feed on humans. They are between 1 mm to 5 mm in length and reddish-brown in color, though they can appear bright red after a feeding.

Their bodies are oval-shaped, and they cannot fly due to a lack of wings. These creatures are nocturnal, and prefer to feed on their hosts while asleep.

(Hence the name “bed” bugs.)

Bed bugs are remarkably adaptable and can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They can thrive in any environment, regardless of general hygiene, which means 5-star hotels are just as vulnerable to infestations as run-down residences.

The natural lifespan of a bed bug is 1 year.

In that time, a female bed bug can lay up to 500 eggs, or an average of 10 eggs a day.

Baby bed bugs, called nymphs, are translucent in color and are even smaller than fully mature insects. The nymphs will darken as they mature, a process which occurs over the course of several weeks.

Bed bug bites resemble small clusters of welts, which are bright red in color. They typically emerge a few hours after being bitten, and will eventually heal after a few weeks. Itching the bites is not recommended, as this could break the skin and possibly lead to an infection.

While most people are aware that bed bugs exist, very few are actually familiar with the finer details of these pests. Thus, there are several misconceptions and falsehoods surrounding bed bugs, many of which come from general confusion with other insect species.

Bed bugs do not spread diseases. Similar pests that do carry disease include ticks (Lyme disease) and mosquitoes (Malaria).

Below is a library of resources to help you learn general facts & statistics about bed bugs.

Is it Common for Hotels to Have Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are a concern for travelers worldwide. These small, elusive pests can turn a pleasant hotel stay into an uncomfortable experience. Despite the best efforts of hotel management, bed bugs can be found in hotels, ranging from budget accommodations to luxury resorts.[article_definition] What Are Bed Bugs?Bed bugs are small, nocturnal…

Top Vegas Hotels With Reported Bed Bugs

Bed bugs have been reported at the following 4 Vegas Hotels:The EncoreThe VenetianThe MirageExcalibur Hotel & CasinoAccording to a USA Today article at least 4 guests staying at various hotels along the Las Vegas Strip reported encountering bed bugs during their stays, adding to concerns about the prevalence of these…

Bed Bugs in the Bathroom

Can Bed Bugs Live in Your Bathroom? Bed bugs typically prefer areas close to their hosts where they can easily access a blood meal. Bathrooms are not their preferred habitat because they're not generally near places where people sleep or rest for extended periods, which is where bed bugs thrive.…

Bed Bug Larvae

What is Bed Bug Larvae?Bed bug larvae, also known as nymphs, is what bed bugs are called during the immature stage of the bed bug life cycle.(Emerging after the eggs hatch).They are small, translucent or whitish-yellow, and similar in appearance to adult bed bugs but smaller. The larvae feed on…

How Often Do Bed Bugs Feed?

How Often Do Bed Bugs Feed?Bed bugs typically feed on blood every 5 to 10 days, but this can vary depending on the age of the bed bug and other environmental factors.If a blood meal is easily available, bed bugs will feed more frequently, and can even feed multiple times…

Scabies vs Bed Bugs

Here is the DifferenceScabies and bed bug bites have similar symptoms that include skin irritation and itching.However, because they are caused by different insects, there are some key differences to be aware of.Scabies is caused by a microscopic mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. It is spread through close personal contact with…

Stink Bugs vs. Bed Bugs

People have similar reactions when it comes to stumbling across a bug in their home. It often comes in the form of...   “Oh no, what is that?!” Your quick response would be to kill this bug as quickly as possible, but oftentimes properly identifying this small home invader can be…

Best Bed Bug Steamers

7 Best Steamers For Bed Bugs Steam cleaning is a great, chemical-free method to use in your home for general cleaning, and it is known to help prevent and eliminate bed bugs.  If you’ve never used a steamer, it might be difficult to identify the best model for your household’s…

Bed Bugs vs. Dust Mites

Both bed bugs and dust mites are small pests that can potentially cause a lot of harm to your household... Depending on how quickly you discover an infestation.  Knowing the difference between these two insects can help you more quickly identify these pests if they find their way into your…

What Eats Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are the kind of pest everyone dreads.There’s nothing you want more than to have a peaceful night’s rest without worrying about being bitten by irritating insects.So naturally, you’re wondering how and when bed bugs will go away. Luckily, bed bugs do have some predators. While predators may not solve your…

What Attracts Bed Bugs Into Your Home?

Most people believe that bed bugs can only infest a dirty, unkempt household...but this is NOT the case.Bed bugs can infest any environment.It doesn't make a difference whether the residence is state of the art or in a state of decay, bed bugs will come as long as there’s sufficient…

Top Bed Bug Cities in 2022

Bed bugs are a nationwide problem. They can be found just about anywhere in the United States. But some places are worse off than others… Most bed bug infestations occur in and around large cities. Areas with a higher population density will sustain larger bed bug colonies than rural or…

The Different Types of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are very adaptable creatures. They have evolved to live in almost any type of environment. They’re so adaptable, in fact, that bed bugs live on 6 of the 7 continents. (All except Antarctica.) Because of their widespread range, bed bugs have evolved into a variety of subspecies.  Each…

The Complete History of Bed Bugs

When you hear about bed bugs, a classic rhyme comes to mind… “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite!” That phrase is relatively new. It was only coined in 1896. But humanity’s relationship with bed bugs goes back much further. Like so many other pests, bed bugs…

Bed Bug Statistics [Key Findings]

We compiled a list of statistics surrounding bed bugs to demonstrate how widespread these pests have become in recent years. This is because the bed bug epidemic is a fairly recent outbreak. In the 1950s, bed bugs were all but wiped out in the United States. But with the rise…

How Long Do Bed Bugs Live?

Unfortunately, some household pests are harder to get rid of than you might think.  Bed bugs are one of them, as infestations are no laughing matter.  People come into contact with bed bugs by staying at an infected temporary residence (i.e. hotel) or moving to a new home that has…

Bed Bugs: Identification & Removal

People are familiar with the phrase “Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” But not too many are familiar with the bugs that inspired such a quirky rhyme to begin with. Why is that? Bed bug infestations were a distant thought in the mid 20th century. These pests had…

Do Bed Bugs Like The Cold?

As autumn begins to fade into winter, many animals begin the process of hibernation in order to preserve energy during the colder months. They will enter a prolonged period of sleep as their bodies slow down metabolic processes like breathing and heart rate. Many species won’t awaken until the spring.…

Do Bed Bugs Fly? [Top 10 Questions About Bed Bugs]

Bed bugs are a common occurrence in homes and hotels across the world. The U.S. is not an exception. According to the NPMA: (National Pest Management Association) 20% of Americans have either personally experienced bed bugs, or know someone who has. Since it appears bed bugs are here to stay……

Bed Bug Eggs (Everything You Need to Know)

Bed bugs are common pests that have been around for decades. Appearing in places like: Homes Schools College dorms Shelters And more... This is leaving people desperate for ways to get rid of bed bugs for good and stop them from spreading. Since these creatures are difficult to exterminate… It’s…

How Do You Get Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are strange little creatures. They get their name by infesting your bedroom and attacking you while asleep. Similar to other household pests, these insects are parasites. (Meaning they depend on a host to survive).  Unfortunately, that host could be you… As human blood is their main food source. …

Can Bed Bugs Kill You?

Bed bugs can be a real nightmare. They’re creepy. Crawly. And feast on your blood. But the real question is whether bed bugs can be deadly.  Can Bed Bugs Kill You? In short, no. bed bugs will not kill you. In very rare cases bed bug bites can lead to serious…

The Bed Bug Life Cycle: From Nymph to Maturity

We’ve all been there. When you come across a series of bites on your skin or small red flecks on your sheets and you just know… it’s bed bugs.  You start to wonder.  What exactly is a bed bug?  How long do these things live?  What do they eat for…

The Worst States for Bed Bugs

If you have ever encountered bed bugs in your home or hotel room... You might be wondering how they got there.  They can quickly get into your luggage and travel back home with you, causing an infestation that can be a nightmare to deal with. Every state has their problems,…

What Do Baby Bed Bugs Look Like?

Bed bugs are some of the worst pests you could ever encounter. Not only do they bite… But they spread incredibly fast and are very difficult to exterminate. They hide in places like: Under furniture. In dark cracks. Within piles of laundry. so they can be hard to find. Even…

Why Are Bed Bugs Making A Comeback?

In the early 20th-century bed bugs were incredibly common, and people routinely checked for them before going to sleep.This is why for decades, bed bugs existed as a nursery rhyme that our parents told us before bed.Now they have made an unfortunate return…with infestations reported in cities across America.A serious infestation…

Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

Discovering that you have a bed bug infestation is nothing short of a nightmare.Whether you saw them scurry by as you got ready for bed….Or noticed a cluster of bites on your skin.These insects can turn your life upside down in so many ways.Largely eradicated in the mid 20th century,…

Can Bed Bugs Carry The Coronavirus?

There are numerous questions surrounding the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) about how the virus is spread. Fear and hysteria is growing around the world, so we feel it’s important to stick together, and provide credible information. With the warm weather approaching, many are nervous about the disease transmission with insects.…

Bed Bugs & Pets — Everything You Need to Know 

Bed bugs are notorious little creatures that can truly have an impact on the quality of your life. They’re difficult to deal with, hard to live with, and sometimes downright impossible to get rid of. They’re currently spreading across the US, with the most affected areas being Washington D.C., Baltimore,…

How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread? 

Bed bugs are serious pests when they infest your home. They can disrupt your life and make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep.If the infestation is may even be forced to temporarily move out of your home.Their bites can itch and are often formed in clusters, and…

Does One Bed Bug Mean An Infestation?

Pest infestations happen, and when they do, most people are usually oblivious to the presence of the unwanted invasion... Until they fall victim to an attack. Generally, the sight of a single pest, such as a termite, can signal the presence of more. Take bed bugs, for example. The short…

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous

Bed bugs and humans have coexisted for millennia, and in the process, bed bugs have become parasites reliant on us to survive. Because they depend on us to survive, they haven’t developed the ability to transmit diseases to humans, but there are still certain health risks that bed bugs present.…

What Causes Bed Bugs?

Bed Bugs can cause real problems – and in some cases, the cause is unclear as to how you were introduced to an infestation. Knowing how bed bugs spread can help you avoid future infestations. Bed bugs are also effective at remaining unnoticed by humans as they spread, until they…

Bed Bug Statistics 2019: What You Need to Know (updated for 2020)

(2020 update at the bottom of this post) In 2018, a whopping 97% of pest professionals treated bed bugs.  And this is not the only alarming bed bug statistic published in recent years. The National Pest Management Association has recently conducted a survey called... Bugs Without Borders, that now provides…