Virginia is within the Southeastern regions of the United States and has an estimated population of around 8.5 million people.
With a diverse economy and a rich cultural heritage:
Virginia is a major destination spot. This state is full of America’s history, making it popular for travelers and students alike.
Major tourist attractions that boast massive amounts of foot traffic include Colonial Williamsburg, Frontier Culture Museum, and the Museum of Fine Arts.
From small towns and scenic roads, to mountain vistas and wide-open beaches.
Virginia has a lot going for it.
Though this state DOES have its problems.
Virginia has seen a spike in bed bug infestations in the past decade…
With cases reported weekly all across the state.
Virginia Bed Bugs
Cities like Norfolk and Richmond, along with Virginia’s close proximity to Washington D.C, make it one of the heavier hit states in terms of bed bugs.
Luckily – If you experienced bed bugs at your hotel, apartment, or another residence….
You do have options.
You could be eligible for financial compensation for your injuries. The first step is to connect with a licensed attorney for your FREE Consultation to determine whether you have a case for a lawsuit.
This quick and easy consultation will walk you through the process and help determine the next steps.
Virginia Bed Bug Law
Though laws in Virginia do not specifically mention bed bugs….
State law does require property owners to follow building codes that could affect the health and safety of residents.
Since bed bugs CAN make a place uninhabitable…
It generally means that property owners are responsible for bed bugs.
What Duties Do Landlords Have?
Under Virginia Code §§55-248.13 and 55-225.3
A landlord must do the following:
- Comply with applicable housing codes affecting the health and safety of tenants.
- Do whatever is necessary to keep the premises in a fit and habitable condition (including repairs, inspections etc.).
Though it’s extremely difficult to determine the origin of a bed bug infestation, under most conditions, the landlord is responsible for eradicating bed bugs.
Tennant Responsibilities
Under Virginia Code §§55-248.13 and 55-225.3
A tenant must do the following:
- Comply with all obligations imposed upon tenants through the applicable building and housing codes.
- As the occupant, you should keep (to the best of your ability) the premises free of insects and pests.
- Promptly notify the landlord if you suspect pests such as bed bugs.
If the tenant fails to follow the above regulations, or fails to cooperate with the scheduled bed bug inspection or removal…
Then the tenant may be financially responsible for an infestation.
Virginia Bed Bug Policy
If the landlord tries to bill you (the tenant) prematurely for bed bug treatment, you should respond accordingly.
Write the landlord a letter stating that you are not responsible for the payment of bed bug treatment.
If the landlord isn’t responding in a timely manner, you should contact a lawyer right away to discuss your options.
Hotels in Virginia are particularly vulnerable to bed bug problems because of the steady stream of guests arriving.
Whether it be The Jefferson Hotel, Omni Richmond Hotel, or a Motel 6, no temporary residence is immune to bed bugs.
Each guest is a potential source of bed bugs hitchhiking on luggage or clothing.
Hotels are always at risk of lawsuits when it comes to bed bugs, often times leading to a quick settlement to avoid the hit on their reputation.
(That a public bed bug case would cause).
Hotels are required to protect their guests from possible health/safety hazards, and letting their customers get infested by a bed bug is usually in breach of that.
If you do experience bed bugs in a Virginia hotel….
You should follow these steps:
- Take pictures: These include photos of your bites as well as any live bed bugs that are crawling around the room.
- Report the Problem: Contact hotel management and report the bed bugs immediately. Make sure to document the conversation and the name/number of the manager you spoke to.
- Treat Your Injuries: If you’re experiencing health issues as a result of your bites go to a hospital immediately.
- Connect with a Lawyer: If you think the hotel was negligent to the situation and failed to prevent or treat a known bed bug infestation, you may be entitled to compensation. Get in touch today to find out more.
Virginia Bed Bug Reports
Here are a few bed bug complaints that occurred at hotels in Virginia.
- Courtyard by Marriot Richmond Northwest
I stayed at this hotel for a corporate training which lasted three weeks (going home on weekends.) the first two weeks were alright but the third week I started noticing bumps which I thought were spider bites or a rash. It got really bad and I am currently sitting in the ER waiting to be discharged after having been told by the dr. That these are bed bug bites. I stayed in room 222. Beware, might be pricy but apparently, they’re infested. Health department and their corporate offices will be called in the morning as well as my company’s HR department.
- Intown Suites Virginia Beach
In Aug 2019 I went on vacation with my wife to Virginia Beach. After a long day at the beach we went to sleep on the first night, and immediately woke up with around 10 bites each. After contacting hotel management, they proceeded to move us to another room and apologize for the incident. The problem is after we got home from vacation, we noticed a bed bug crawling on our bed at home. We ended up taking the bed bugs home with us and having to spend $5,000 on pest control fees.
Bed Bug Outbreak Virginia
Among other states, bed bugs were largely eradicated in the 1950s…
Although with stronger EPA regulations and increased travel…
This quickly changed.
Since the early 2000s, bed bugs have made an impressive comeback.
Not only are these creatures’ avid hitchhikers, but they have grown more resilient to today’s common pesticides.
Making them much more difficult to treat.
These insects ONLY come out to feed at night, and otherwise hide during the day in the following areas:
- In the folds of the mattress
- Around the box spring
- Under furniture
- Along baseboards
- Within cracks on the walls
Therefore in order to treat bed bugs, the treatment needs to persist in these hard to reach places.
This is why professional methods such as the bed bug heat treatment, is most effective at eradicating an entire infestation.
Bed Bug Lawyer in Virginia
If you or a family member recently became a victim of bed bugs in their apartment or hotel room, you should get connected with a lawyer today.
Get in touch with Virginia bed bug lawyers to receive a free case evaluation.
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