Bed Bug Detection


It’s always important to detect an infestation early on, and bed bugs are no exception. With the unseemly bite marks they leave behind and their remarkable resilience, these tiny pests can be a constant source of stress and unease.

But how, exactly, do you detect bed bugs?

They are, after all, nocturnal creatures that tend to live in remote, hard to reach places. Fortunately for us, bed bugs do leave behind several signs of their presence which can be used to track them down, allowing for swift and easy removal.

The most obvious sign of an infestation is, of course, seeing the bed bugs themselves. Since they are both nocturnal and incredibly small—averaging about 1 mm to 5 mm in length—this is easier said than done. You’re more likely to learn of their existence by waking up to several bite marks along your body.

Bed bug bites look like red-colored welts and are usually clustered together. They may appear in zig-zag patterns along the upper torso, where the most skin is exposed.

If left alone, bites will heal on their own after 1 to 3 weeks.

Female bed bugs can lay up to 10 eggs per day, and baby bed bugs fully mature within a couple of months. If you happen to come across a bed bug nest with plenty of discarded eggs and skins then you could be dealing with a highly active colony of bed bugs.

Below is a library of resources to help you learn the fundamentals of bed bug detection. 

What Does Bed Bug Shed Skin Look Like?

Bed bugs are a common pest that can cause a lot of distress and discomfort.One of the signs of a bed bug infestation is finding their shed skin or exoskeletons.Bed bug shed skin, or exoskeletons, appear as translucent, light brown shells, often resembling the shape and size of a live…

Have Bites But See No Signs of Bed Bugs? Here’s What it Means. 

When you have bites on your skin but don't see any signs of bugs, it can be puzzling and frustrating.Keep in mind that insects like bed bugs are hiding most of the time, and rarely come out during the day. Therefore even if you don’t see physical bugs, you should…

What Color are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are typically reddish-brown in color. However, their appearance can vary depending on factors such as their age and whether they have recently been fed. It’s important to know what bed bugs look like so that you can identify them against other similar-looking insects.  Keep in mind that their…

Do Bed Bugs Jump?

Do Bed Bugs Jump?Bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of, and it may seem like they travel great distances very easily.Many people are surprised to find bed bugs in their home and wonder how they got there. This often leads to the conclusion that bed bugs can fly, crawl…

Carpet Beetles vs. Bed Bugs

When confronted with an infestation of any kind, it can be hard to tell what kind of pest you’re dealing with.  It becomes even more challenging when you have an insect infestation because most bugs are small and different species often look similar to one another.  For example:  How can…

How to Find Bed Bugs During the Day

One of the notable things about bed bugs is that they’re nocturnal. At night, they come out from their hiding places and feed on human blood. But where do they go during the day? Bed bugs will make themselves at home in all sorts of nooks and crannies. While they…

Bed Bug Stains on Sheets? [Early Signs of Bed Bugs]

Notice any suspicious stains on your sheets recently?This could be the first sign of a bed bug infestation.Bed bugs typically gather in and around bedding.(It’s in their name, after all).They typically reside in niche corners of the bed such as:Behind the headboard.Under the sheets.Within the folds of the mattress.Sides of…

Small Black Bugs in Your Home? Here’s What They Are

Dealing with an insect infestation is bad enough on its own. Though it’s made even worse when you don’t know the kind of insects you’re dealing with. If you spot “small, black bugs” around your house... It could be one of many different species of black insects... Some options include…

Early Signs of Bed Bugs (11 Indicators of an Infestation)

Experiencing bed bugs is nothing short of a nightmare.Not only are bed bugs difficult to get rid of...But they are hard to spot as well.These insects hide during the day, and only come out to feed at night.If not detected early they can spread throughout your home in a matter…

13 Bugs That Look Like Bed Bugs

If you want to prevent the spread of bed bugs... It’s important to properly identify them first. Bed bugs resemble several other types of bugs due to their familiar insectoid appearance and their small size. If you’re looking for bed bugs, these pests are characterized by their red/brown color, apple…

Bed Bugs vs. Ticks

Have you been traveling recently?  Noticed any irritating bug bites afterward? This could be a sign of a looming bed bug infestation… But it could also be a sign of ticks, too. Unfortunately, either one is bad news. Bed bugs can cause physical, mental and financial stress because of their…

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Bed bugs can be an absolute nightmare. They’re expensive to deal with and cause physical and emotional injury. To top it all off they’re notoriously hard to get rid of. So the first step to controlling the situation… Is to identify these creatures properly. This is because there are over…

Bed Bugs on a Mattress [The Complete Guide]

Bed bugs get their name for a reason.  They are most commonly found on your bedding or hiding close by.  Areas they prefer to live in include your box spring, bed frame, and especially… Within the folds of your mattress. Since bed bugs are only ¼ of an inch long,…

How To Find Bed Bugs [The Definitive Guide]

There is nothing fun about dealing with bed bugs.  Luckily if you’re suffering through the nightmare of an infestation, know you’re not alone.  Bed bugs are one of the most commonly reported pest infestations. In fact,  97% of pest professionals say that they have treated bed bugs in the past…

Bed Bug Poop: Everything You Need to Know

Bed bugs; they’re nasty, they’re dirty, they’re creepy, they’re crawly but did you know that their waste can tell you a lot about what kinds of bed bugs you’re dealing with? Bed bug poop can appear as brown, red, and even black depending on the location and age of the…

Bed Bug Dogs: What You Need to Know

For thousands of years, dogs have been more than just human companions. They were often bred and trained as hunting partners or guard animals. In more recent years, their keen sense of smell has been used to detect explosives, narcotics, and even missing people. But did you know that some…

Can You See Bed Bugs?

Bed bug infestations can be a real nightmare. These resilient pests spread easily, cause unsightly symptoms, and are hard to kill. Whether it be in your home, apartment, or hotel room, an infestation can cause major disruption to your daily life. So how do you remove an infestation? Getting rid…

How to Check For Bed Bugs

Indoor pests in general can be a nuisance. But none of them are quite as difficult as bed bugs. Among the most resilient and persistent indoor pests out there... Bed bug infestations are becoming more common in all 50 states. A bed bug infestation can be difficult to detect, and…

How Big Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs have become quite common over the last few decades. In that time... they have made a serious name for themselves. Though they aren’t known to transmit disease or pose any serious health risk, bed bugs can leave irritating and unsightly bites. Now the first step to removing an…

Bed Bug Bites vs. Other Bites

When it comes to infestations, bed bugs are among the worst. Not only can they be hard to get rid of, but their bites can be painful, itchy, and leave you wondering how you got into this mess In order to quickly remove bed bugs… It is critical to identify…

How to Tell if You Have Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a nasty problem.  A problem that, within a moment's notice... Will uproot your entire life, and disrupt your daily activity until properly addressed.  The symptoms can be difficult to treat, and the signs can be hard to detect.  If you're waking up with skin irritation. Or you…

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide on Your Body?

Given their name, you probably believe that bed bugs primarily reside in bedrooms.Where they don't have to travel far to feed on unsuspecting victims.Especially when those victims...Are asleep and in their most vulnerable state.However, this is not always the case. Bed bugs are notorious for their ability to survive in…

Top 3 Ways to Locate Bed Bugs

Whether at home or staying in a hotel, it’s important to identify the signs of a bed bug infestation to prevent their spread and any bites. There are several key ways to spot bed bugs and prevent infestations from affecting you and your loved ones, along with any future guests.…

Can You See a Bed Bug with the Human Eye?

They may be tiny… but bed bugs rarely go unnoticed for very long.While most people find these creatures repulsing...These insects are extraordinary in their ability to survive under difficult circumstances.Bed bugs have unique anatomy with the ability to balloon to 3 times their normal size, alongside some aggressive feeding habits.One…

How to Check for Bed Bugs in a Hotel Room?

Bed bugs leave an itchy red mark on your skin, similar to a mosquito's bite. And no matter what hotel you’re staying in, they can find their way into your bed, clothes, luggage, and more. If you’re not careful enough, they’ll travel back home with you. Because of this, experts…