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New Hampshire is a state in the New England region of the U.S. and has the 10th smallest population at 1.3 million people.
With a broad-based growing economy, the state is experiencing positive migration and an influx of new residents.
New Hampshire has a growing tourist sector in the northern part of the state where people go to ski/snowboard, hike, and mountain bike.
Growth in New Hampshire’s economy and tourism sectors are positive for the state overall…
But it does not come without its problems.
New Hampshire has been plagued by pest problems in the past 2 decades.
The worst of which is the bed bug.
Bed bugs are vile parasitic insects that live in furniture and feast on human blood.
They can be dangerous and put a lot of financial and mental stress on their victims.
A widespread issue with bed bugs is that they’re virtually everywhere.
In fact:
Bed bugs are one of the most pervasive and common vermin in US households, with approximately one in five people suffering from bed bugs in their lives.
If you experienced bed bugs you may be eligible for a payout.
There are bed bug laws all across the U.S. that help those who have suffered from this problem.
If you or any of your loved ones have been injured by bed bugs due to someone else’s
Or ill will.
You might be entitled to financial compensation for your suffering.
The average value of a bed bug settlement has increased over the past decade, so it’s critical you get in touch with a lawyer immediately following a bed bug incident.
Give us a call today at (855) 733-9217 For your free consultation.
Bed bugs are nasty critters that usually reside in:
They typically come out during the night, and live off human blood.
Bed bugs are creatures that could cause a multitude of health issues.
Keep in mind that these bites are not life-threatening unless you have a severe allergy or pre-existing condition.
Bed bugs can be difficult to identify, as they are often mistaken for other insects.
Some of the most common ways you can tell that you’re currently suffering from a bed bug infestation are:
Bed bugs don’t bleed, but dead bed bugs could leave undigested blood, leaving red marks on your clothes, bedding, or walls.
The state of New Hampshire does have some laws surrounding bed bugs. Since these disputes are not always easily settled by both parties, the state created some legislation on this topic a few years ago.
New Hampshire’s bed bug laws try to clarify who is responsible, the property owner or the tenant.
According to the law:
If a tenant reports an issue with bed bugs in a timely manner…
(Usually within 48 hours of discovery)
The landlord or property manager is responsible for hiring a pest management company to conduct treatment.
The key here is that the burden of proof is on the property owner.
In order to seek reimbursement for bed bug treatments, the property manager needs to prove the tenant is responsible.
Here are the questions that will get asked to determine responsibility:
Were the bed bugs in or near the building before the tenant moved in?
In which unit were bed bugs first discovered?
Was the building treated for bed bugs prior to the complaint?
Did the tenant have bed bugs at his/her previous residence?
Items like documentation, the inspection report, and bed bug disclosure will be used in the court of law to help determine responsibility.
For more information on the landlord-tenant relationship. Click here for our complete guide.
Bed bugs are present all across the world and in all 50 American states.
New Hampshire isn’t the worst state according to our top 10 lists, but it’s far from the best.
Bed bugs can be found in all places across New Hampshire, such as:
The situation is grim globally, and just because you don’t have bed bugs now doesn’t mean you won’t have to deal with them at one point.
Remember… 1 in 5 Americans has had to deal with bed bugs at least once in the past.
Bed bugs present a very viable and prominent problem that Americans face daily.
1. Bed Bugs are Hard to Kill
Like any insect, bed bugs are masters at hiding, and they’re quite resilient.
You can purchase a piece of furniture that seems to be free of bed bugs only to realize that their eggs have not yet hatched.
Before you know it…
You could have a terrible case of bed bugs. These critters are also growing more resilient by the year, as they’re often invulnerable to pesticides…
Which has led to a state-wide epidemic.
2. Bed Bugs will Spread Throughout the Home
Bed bugs feast on human blood, meaning they’ll stop at nothing to get their meal.
They can migrate a lot in more ways than one. If one piece of furniture in your home is infested with bed bugs, chances are the rest of your furniture is soon to follow.
3. Bed Bugs Can Cause Serious Symptoms
A lot of people don’t take bed bugs nearly as seriously as they should.
While studies have shown that their bites aren’t deadly, they can cause many other diseases such as Impetigo, Ecthyma, Lymphangitis, and a selection of allergic reactions.
They’re also known for causing rashes and blisters, which could be very painful and hard to eliminate independently.
Bed bugs can also cause emotional problems such as:
4. These Parasites Spread Quickly
Bed bugs are present all across the world, and their numbers are on the rise globally.
In general, these creatures are quite common.
In fact, a study by the National Pest Management Association has indicated that 90% of exterminators have dealt with bed bugs in the past year.
5. One Bed Bug Can Lead to an Infestation
One of the worst things about bed bugs is that even if one is forgotten in a treatment, re-occurrence is likely. Bed bugs can lay up to 250 eggs in their lifetime, meaning they can multiply at hyper speeds.
Each bed bug egg hatches in a little over a week.
If you or any of your loved ones have suffered from bed bugs due to someone else’s negligence or ill will, we can connect you with a bed bug lawyer.
We believe that you deserve compensation for all of the economic, mental, and physical distress you’ve faced due to bedbugs.
There are New Hampshire bed bug laws that protect people from suffering monetarily due to an infestation.
Our directory of professionals have years of experience in New Hampshire and can help you get the compensation you deserve.
You can contact us today if you’d like to find out the full range of services we have to offer, book a consultation to find out how we can help you make a case, take it to court, and get the payment that you deserve.
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