Hyatt Hotel Bed Bugs

Hyatt Hotels Corporation is a multinational hospitality business that manages…

  • High-end luxury hotels
  • Resorts
  • Vacation venues
  • Conference centers

This company has 780 properties in 54 countries and is ranked by Fortune magazine on the 2018 list of…

“America’s best Employers.”

In the late 20th century, Hyatt was the fastest growing hotel chain in the United States.

But even companies as successful as Hyatt have their problems. 

This hotel chain, like many others, have had cases of bed bugs infesting their customers. 

Hyatt Bed Bugs

All hotels can be exposed to bed bugs, no matter how clean and luxurious…

And the Hyatt Corporation is no exception.

As its had a fair share of health and safety related incidents. 

There are some reported issues that came out in relation to bed bugs in Hyatt hotels.

Hyatt Bed Bug Case

One case led a Harvard doctoral student to become homeless from a bed bug infestation that occurred at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York.

The victim, Madonna Ramp, ended up bringing bed bugs to her home in Austin, that also infested her car. Ramp then claims that the chemicals used to treat her car caused an allergic reaction. 

She had the throw away all of her belongings, get rid of her car and move out of her home. 

As a result of this Ramp filed a lawsuit against The Hyatt, alleging that hotel management was negligent to the situation. 

The victim now suffers from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, which affects her ability to tolerate irritation. 

If you were unfortunate enough to have become victim of bed bugs in a Hyatt hotel…

It’s important to know your rights as a hotel guest along with how to seek justice for your injuries.

Bitten By Bed Bugs? (What To Do Next)

Here are the following steps you should take when bitten by bed bugs:

Gather Evidence:

It’s important to take video and photographic evidence of the bed bug attack.

The easiest way to build up your case is to show the infestations at its origins.

(Ideally the nest)

Take numerous photos of the infestation while making it clear you’re in a Hyatt hotel room, along with bites located in all parts of your body.

Write a Formal Complaint:

Find a high-ranking hotel employee and immediately inform them of the situation.

Make sure to get their contact information.

(Full name and phone number)

If you can’t get management to respond consider writing a demand letter

Seek Medical Attention:

Don’t wait and gradually suffer from your injuries.

Find the nearest medical facility and get your bites treated by a doctor. Make sure to save all receipts and documentation related to your treatment.

Get in touch with our hotel bed bug specialists for a FREE consultation from a licensed personal injury attorney.

It’s important to have an experienced lawyer that can help you through the process and discuss whether or not you have a case.

Hyatt Bed Bug Policy

Though Hyatt doesn’t have any specific policies related to bed bugs…

They do have rules surrounding the safety and well-being of their customers.

Under the Hyatt Global Care and Cleanliness Commitment they state:

Guided by our purpose of care and experience delivering world-class hospitality for more than 60 years, Hyatt’s Global Care & Cleanliness Commitment builds on our existing rigorous safety and cleanliness protocols.

This brand believes in enhanced levels of cleanliness, along with the safety and security of their guests.

Hyatt also mentions under Security & Safety on the about section of their website:

As our valued guest, we are committed to creating an environment of security and well-being throughout your stay. 

Though these policies may be in reference to COVID-19 and other safety issues, this hotel chain maintains responsibility about preserving the conditions of their rooms.

A bed bug infestation is NOT a safe and healthy environment for a hotel guest.


You may be able to make a claim that Hyatt is in breach of its duty by allowing you to be infested by bed bugs.

Is Hyatt Hotels Responsible?

Hotel owners have a written duty to make sure that they maintain healthy and clean facilities for their guests.

If you are staying at a hotel in a different city/state you could simply assume you cannot sue because you’re not living in the location where the hotel property is situated.


As hotels have liability to safeguard guests against infestations no matter the location of the hotel…

Or where you currently have permanent residence.

“Hotels have a responsibility to keep you safe under common law” writes the USA Today.

Contributor and reporter Christopher Michael mentions:

“It is reasonable to expect hotel staff to clean, fumigate, disinfect, and exterminate any know infestation of bed bugs.”

Where hotel owners fail to protect you, potential lawsuits can be filed as a result.

How do I know if I was Bitten by Bed Bugs?

Bed bug bites are typically identified in the following ways:

  • Bites are in a linear or zig zag pattern.
  • They will look like red welts, usually bigger than mosquito bites.
  • You will experience a painful irritation, sometimes can be described as a burning sensation.
  • These bumps can sometimes be surrounded by blisters and hives.
  • The bumps will often have a dark center with a lighter swollen surrounding area

In certain rare cases:

You can experience worse symptoms than the above.

Damages you Can Recover from a Hotel Bed Bug Infestation

You don’t necessarily have to suffer all the losses incurred because of negligence on the part of hotel operators and management.

These growing problems are extremely common, and are becoming increasingly popular as people begin to travel more and more.

(bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers).

Damages are recoverable in many situations, especially if your hotel bed bug case includes pain and suffering.

These damages can include:

  • suffering due to embarrassment
  • psychological damage
  • disturbed sleep
  • or fear of staying in another hotel.

To inquire about a lawyer and learn if you have a case, get in touch with our experienced bed bug specialists today!

Notable Hyatt Properties 

  • Hyatt place mystic 
  • Hyatt place Chesapeake
  • Hyatt place uncasville
  • Hyatt place Medford
  • Hyatt place Braintree
  • Hyatt 48 lex

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